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CreativeIntelligence for Assovalori, our digital communication campaign

We are a company born with the web more than twenty years ago. With our work we have experienced all the different phases and complex processes of digital transformation. We are well aware that this transformation affects every sector of the economic and social life of our country. But we are equally aware of the fact that the changes that succeed are those that take place without too radical tears but with realism and in a gradual way.


This is the case of digital and electronic payment methods which, without a doubt, are a phenomenon destined to extend more and more in the future. By building e-commerce sites we know this well. And the data on the selling and buying behavior of Italians also demonstrate this. Having said that, however, believing that you can replace the use of cash with the digital wallet overnight seems like a risky suggestion.

Technological innovation will change our future but it must always deal with the present reality. All the more so when there are entire sectors of our economy, for example those categories of companies and workers who are grappling with cash every day, which must be protected in the face of too sudden changes, all the more so in a dramatic historical moment like the one that we have been living for a year and a half.

In our opinion, we must always reflect on the employment, production and economic effects that occur within the framework of the paradigm shift imposed by the digital revolution.

It is on the basis of this awareness that we have chosen to take care of the external communication of Assovalori, the Professional Association which since 1978 has been a reference point for the most important Italian companies engaged in the transport and physical and logistical management of values. A piece of our economy that knows the value of the banknotes and coins that many Italians use as a form of payment every day.

We repeat it. We believe that the transition to digital is a process that cannot stop, but innovating does not mean destroying the existing, for example abolishing those coins and banknotes by decree, but accompanying the changes by always setting concrete, pragmatic, achievable goals. Here it is. This idea of a non-traumatic change in our social behaviors, for example when it comes to choosing the payment methods we make, is the meaning of the digital communication campaign that we will carry out together with Assovalori.

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